Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statements and see if your answers match ours.
Thank you!

HIV is the same as AIDS.



HIV only affects gay men – It’s a “gay disease”.




We both have HIV so we don’t’ need to use a condom during sex.




People over the age of 50 don’t get HIV.




I have HIV.I can’t have children.




You don’t need to use a condom during oral sex.




HIV can be cured.




I got tested right after I had unprotected sex and I was negative. I’m fine!




HIV is scary – the best way to protect myself is to avoid anyone who is HIV+.




It is your fault if you get infected – you just have to stop having promiscuous sex and using drugs to not get it.




I don’t look or feel sick – I can’t be infected!




The best way to control AIDS in the developing world is through prevention. Costly treatment should wait until prevention programs have been fully funded and deployed.




AIDS treatment in the developing world is impossible because antiretroviral drugs are too expensive and because developing countries lack the infrastructure necessary to deliver the drugs.




An HIV vaccine will soon be available, and this will solve the AIDS crisis.




HIV/AIDS treatment is an invasion of Western medicine / culture




Women can “shed” the HIV infection through their monthly menstruation cycles.




You only get the virus if you have “weak blood”.




HIV is a punishment for moral shortcomings or lack of self-control.




If you have HIV and you have sex with a virgin you will be cured




HIV/AIDS is a private matter that should not be discussed in public




Ordinary people can do very little to help in the fight against AIDS


